All Ages Can Participate!
At Grand Valley Audubon we want to encourage everyone – all ages, all abilities – to get outside and appreciate the natural beauty and magnificent wildlife in the Grand Valley and beyond. Whether you join a GVAS birding field trip, participate in a citizen science project, or visit the Audubon Nature Preserve, we hope the information you find here will help you connect to the amazing natural area we call home. |
Local Birding Information
Where should you go birding in Mesa County and surrounding areas? What species should you expect to see? Want to connect with local birders? We can help! Supplement to the birds of Western Colorado, Plateau and Mesa Country |
Audubon Nature Preserve
Visit Grand Valley Audubon's property along the Colorado River
in Grand Junction to view birds and other wildlife.
Visit Grand Valley Audubon's property along the Colorado River
in Grand Junction to view birds and other wildlife.
Preventing Window Strikes
Collisions with windows kill millions of birds per year. Learn how to
prevent birds from flying into windows at your home or office.
Grant Information
Does your research need a bit of financial support to get off the ground?
Interested in having your child attend summer camp at Bird Conservancy
of the Rockies? GVAS offers small grants that may help.
Photo by Alan Vernon
Grant Information
Does your research need a bit of financial support to get off the ground?
Interested in having your child attend summer camp at Bird Conservancy
of the Rockies? GVAS offers small grants that may help.
Photo by Alan Vernon
Bird-friendly Coffee
Did you know that many of our neotropical migrant birds, such as
warblers and tanagers, spend their winters in coffee-growing country?
Your choice of coffee beans can benefit birds. Learn how and where
to get bird-friendly coffee by clicking the green link above.
Photo credit bye-bye coffee
Wildlife First Aid
If you've found an injured/orphaned bird or other wild animal,
we have information on how to evaluate the situation and who to call.
Photo by Jerry Friedman/Wikimedia
Poo-Poo Project: Preventing Bird Deaths in Vault Toilets
Did you know that vault-toilets can pose a lethal hazard for cavity nesting birds? Many species will explore the ventilation pipe of the toilet to see if it is a potential nesting site. These curious birds can become trapped in the vault of the toilet and suffer an unpleasant demise. The Poo-Poo Project aims to fit public vault toilets with a ventilation pipe screen that keeps birds out of harm's way. You can learn more about the project on the Teton Raptor Centers' website here. Grand Junction resident Laura Johnston is working with the Poo-Poo Project and Grand Valley Audubon to get screens installed on public vault toilets in Colorado. You can donate to her efforts via our webpage. Just go to our donation page and where asked "what should this donation go towards?" use the pull-down menu to select "Poo-Poo Project efforts in CO."
Saw-whet Owl rescued from a vault toilet. Photo courtesy of Teton Raptor Center and U.S. Forest Service.
Did you know that vault-toilets can pose a lethal hazard for cavity nesting birds? Many species will explore the ventilation pipe of the toilet to see if it is a potential nesting site. These curious birds can become trapped in the vault of the toilet and suffer an unpleasant demise. The Poo-Poo Project aims to fit public vault toilets with a ventilation pipe screen that keeps birds out of harm's way. You can learn more about the project on the Teton Raptor Centers' website here. Grand Junction resident Laura Johnston is working with the Poo-Poo Project and Grand Valley Audubon to get screens installed on public vault toilets in Colorado. You can donate to her efforts via our webpage. Just go to our donation page and where asked "what should this donation go towards?" use the pull-down menu to select "Poo-Poo Project efforts in CO."
Saw-whet Owl rescued from a vault toilet. Photo courtesy of Teton Raptor Center and U.S. Forest Service.
Need a reimbursement?
If you are a GVAS volunteer and need a reimbursement for an approved expense, please print and complete the GVAS Reimbursement Form (clicking on link will take you to pdf) and mail it WITH YOUR RECEIPTS to: P.O. Box 1211, Grand Junction CO 81502-1211. Thank you for your help!! |
Shop City Market?
Support GVAS every time you shop! Click here to find out how! |